Welcome, dear visitor.
How did you even get here? I do not advertise this webpage anywhere...
Well, if you are here already, I guess an introduction is necessary. I am a mathematics student who happens to like coding. I like tinkering with software in general. Here are some quick facts about me:
- I have a BSc. in Mathematics degree and will soon enroll in a Master of Science in Applied Mathematics program.
- I've been translating popular open source programs into my native language (Turkish) since 2018.
- I do sysadmin work from time to time.
- I started learning programming with Java (i didn't know any better :P). Currently, I primarily use C/C++ to write programs for scientific purposes, such as this and this.
- I've been running Gentoo (a Linux distribution) as my daily driver since 2021.
If you are interested in cryptography, you are encouraged to check a website that I created while I was taking a cryptography class at university.
Fun fact: this page (and all my websites) are written in pure html and css. Why? I honestly don't know, it might be because I am so used to it at this point.
Some articles that I wrote back in the day out of boredom
If you want to reach out to me for some reason
If you are going to send an encrypted message attach your public key as well, so that I can respond back to you!
My email : and my public key, for those that want to send encrypted messages.
Fingerprint: 7607 4FB0 2BDC 1284 4272 CD37 8A85 B1D5 2553 AA4E
If you have curl and gpg installed on your system just run:
curl -sL | gpg --import